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Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

Romania's Integration in the European Union. Opportunities & Challenges

ABSTRACT . The strategic milestones of Romania's integration efficiency to the European Union aims at the following more important aspects: developing a national strategy of sustainable development that should have as core the post-accession strategy in agreement with the EU decisions in this field, and the trends at world level; rendering efficient and increasing competitiveness of the public and private sector in Romania; increasing macroeconomic sustainability on long-term, inclusive for the trade balance and for the foreign payments; increasing the efficiency of using domestic and foreign loans and of public investments; using proceeds from privatization for modernizing the infrastructure in Romania; strengthening the management capacity. The European economic model which is based on the principle of "unity in diversity" offers a flexible framework of rendering compatible on short-, medium- and long-term the economic efficiency, justice and equity, promoting poverty alleviation, social cohesion and inclusion, subsidiarity and intergenerational cooperation.
environmental viewpoint on the basis of developing a sustainable development strategy of Romania within which the post-accession strategy should represent a primordial, organic component of the sustainable development concept, that in the case of our country presupposes: - ensuring a sustainable rate of growth necessary and sufficient for diminishing Romania's lags against EU average; - increasing the quality of life, reducing poverty and improving health state; - maximizing the effects per unit of resources consumption, and the integration costs, especially for the medium- and long-term time horizon. The large majority of EU member states have developed national strategies of sustainable development, and at EU level it is foreseen to strongly correlate the EU Sustainable Development Strategy (2001-2010) and the Lisbon Strategy (2001-2010) in their revised variants of the years 2005 and 2006. 2. The prevalence of the private sector in Romania's economy represents a necessary and favourable factor for improving the economic- financial mechanisms of market operation, which is not enough yet. Integration implies Strengthening the public-private partnership at local, regional, national and community level, so that the relative "autonomy" of the private sector's economic development should be stimulated and not obstructed by the institutional capacity, the legal framework and the political decision factors. Strengthening the role of the private sector within economy and society requires, in parallel to the State support, a strong impetus for company research and innovation, including here the SMEs. 3. Next to changes of the political, economic and social system, that were assumed but also generated, the economic growth achieved by Romania during the transition years presents a series of vulnerabilities of structural origin the consequences of which are rendered concrete in: - chronic trade balance deficit that cannot be unilaterally rebalanced just based on promoting exports even if they are those of high added value; in parallel it is necessary to have consistent and compatible strategies with respect to increasing the contribution and efficiency of RDI and technology transfer, and of strategies for substituting "competitive" and "non-competitive" imports; all countries under a more or less transparent form promote policies of efficient substitution of imports having as basis precisely the increase of the innovation, transfer, absorption and technological dissemination capacity (including scientific knowledge) and the expansion of the specialisation and cooperation potential as factor of increasing efficiency and competitiveness;download

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