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Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Projects Future U.S. Food Prices

the National Inflation Association today announced projections for future U.S. food prices based after this week's announced $600 billion in quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve announced this week that it will be expanding its balance sheet by $75 billion per month until the end of June 2011, for total quantitative easing of $600 billion. Quantitative easing is nothing more than inflation and when the Federal Reserve creates inflation, it steals from the purchasing power of the incomes and savings of all Americans. Inflation does not create jobs. Inflation merely causes prices of goods and services to rise and makes it more expensive for American families to support themselves. While years ago it was possible for a father to support an entire family of four or five on one income; today, both parents need to work and they also need to get deeply into debt just to make ends meet. With all of our society's technological advances of recent years, Americans' cost of living should be declining, but it has instead been spiraling out of control due to the Federal Reserve's destructive monetary policies. Politicians love inflation because it allows them to monetize their deficit spending. Politicians can also take credit for an "economic recovery" when stock prices rise. However,nominal stock market gains mean nothing to middle class Americans if prices of food and other agricultural products are rising at a much faster rate. Inflation does not cause the prices of all assets, goods, and services to rise equally. Real Estate, for example, will likely rise the least this decade, because the U.S. government never allowed the Real Estate bubble to fully deflate and there is still an excess glut of vacant homes on the market.NIA expects both Real Estate and stock market prices to decline in terms of real money, gold and silver.download

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