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Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

GLOBAL Economic and Financial Crisis References 2010

From the Great Recession to Labour Market Recovery Issues, Evidence and Policy Options INTER NATION AL LABOUR ORGANIZATION Co-published with Palgrave Macmillan The GreatRecessionw as one of the most traumatic global events of the first decade of the twenty-first century. This book showcases re search undertaken by leading experts on the macro economic and labor market dimensions of the fin ancialcrisis of 2007-2009. It providesaglobal overview, interpreting theca uses, consequences and policy responses tot he Great Recession from the perspec- ti veofbothdevel oping and developed countries. The contributionstr ace the Great Recession's complex and multiple causes, ranging from market, policy and regulatory failures to global imbalances. Since different countries have been affected variously, the authors delineate the diversity in the macroeconomic and labor market consequences. The impacts on specific population groups are also analyzed. Noting particularly the need fora combination of sound macroeconomic and labor market policies, the authors explore policy options fora post-crisis future. This book is essential reading for all interested in labor economics, employment stu dies, social policy and mac ro- economics.
Global Challenges att he Inter sec ti on of Trade, En ergyandthe Environment CENTRE FO RECONO MIC POLICY RES EARCH How can we increase economic well-being and expand trade, while promoting the optimal use of the world'sen erg yresourcesand protecting and preserving our sh ar ed environment? This volume of presentation sand discussions fromaconference on the intersection of trade, energy and the envi- ronmentaddresses the international or cross-border problems that arise at this intersection, the current international regulatory framework and how this framework could be improved. One oft he conference'sconclusionswasth at the current W TO rule book offersa surprisingly large array of solutions to relatively novel energy and environment probl ems such as energy transit questions, import restricti ons on renewable energy ors ubsidydiscip lines applied to both fossil fuels and alternative energy. Even if these rules were not written with energyinmind, they can be applied inthisnewlight. The big question in this respect is whether such "evolutionary interpretation"can bel eft in the hands of the WTO dispute settlement system, or if it would be better handled througha political renegoti at ion of the agreements or explicit new rules on energy, download.

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