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Kamis, 13 Januari 2011


Policy Analysis and Research UNCTAD's Economic Development in Africa Report 2009: Strengthening Regional Economic Integration for Africa's Development presents economic analysis of regional integration initiatives in Africa. The report is aimed at addressing long-standing structural weaknesses of African economies and at strengthening national and regional economic performance. It concludes that integration initiatives can be extremely beneficial to all countries involved when they are designed and implemented in the context of a broad development strategy shared by regional groups. The Report surveys recent trends in the areas of trade (goods and services), investment (FDI) and labour mobility/migration within Africa, and assesses various policy measures to increase activities in these areas. The Economic Development in Africa Report 2008: Export Performance following Trade Liberalization - Some Patterns and Policy Perspectives shows that most African countries have undertaken extensive trade liberalization and most can be said to have had open economies since the mid- to late 1990s; however, export performance following trade liberalization has been weak in terms of increased export volumes, increased export/GDP ratios and diversification in high-value agricultural exports and manufactures. The report also argues that African countries need to adopt sector-specific policies in agriculture and manufacturing to tackle these constraints. UNCTAD's Least Developed Countries Report 2008: Growth, Poverty and the Terms of Development Partnership argues that the achievement of a more sustainable and inclusive type of economic growth requires effective national development strategies, which are supported by effective development aid and development-friendly international regimes for trade, investment and technology.download

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